The Story behind Twitter Logo

It has been a decade of one of the prominent social media networking platform, Twitter. Much like the brand has evolved through these years so has the logo.

From the textual logo to a combination of text and symbol and finally to the favorite twittering blue bird. The symbol of Twitter has become one of the renowned landmarks in the field of social media.

A textual logo(July 15, 2006- Sept 15, 2010)

When the brand was launched, it was a completely text based logo, bold and iconic focusing on the name of the brand. The organization chose blue as the font color as a reflection of connectivity and friendliness.


Introducing the Blue Bird(15Sept,2010-June5,2012)

The twittering blue bird was introduced. The brand wanted a symbol that could convey a message of “freedom to connect” all over the world. A flying bird mirrors independence, freedom, and quickness.


It has been metaphorically compared to the brand to show the fast service of connecting with friends and family all over the world. so was felted appropriate as the symbol for the Twitter.

The name of the brand was included along with the symbol.

The Iconic Bird(June5,2012 –till now)

2012 the world received the famous blue bird logo of Twitter. The name of the brand was removed and the logo just included the bird. The size of the bird was increased to keep the entire focus on the bird.

In order to grab more attention of the people, a darker shade of blue was used so that the bird could visually look evident and catchy. It was opted as the official symbol for Twitter and is till now.


The bird is shown in the position as to tweet. It has been graphically designed based on the three overlapping circles. These overlapping circles are an integration of interest,connectivity, and people.

This symbol of Twitter is sure to achieve greater heights for the brand in the upcoming years.

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