Best Logo Colors for your Brand

It is human tendency to respond to optical stimuli easily. Each color has its own significance and leave a particular impact on the viewer. Understanding the color psychology and selecting Best Logo Color for your Brand is a major concern.

When it comes to brand recognition or brand identity designers have to gear themselves to overcome the hurdle of color selection.

The colors have to be crucially selected in order to convey your message of your brand to the people. Startups have a great difficulty in selecting the color for their brand identity.

It’s about reflecting the ideals, norms ,ethics your company follows, or the products and services it deals in rather than just choosing your favorite color for your brand identity, it about.

Hues give the very first impression about the impact the colors would leave on the customers is the most crucial part.

Understanding your customer’s connectivity with colors can help you to enhance your brand identity as well as your branding techniques. Here are some of the Best Logo Colors from you to choose for your brand.

Red — Zeal, Power, Strength, Aggression, Love, Excitement.


Red is generally associated with boldness and strength and is considered to a color full of vigor. It is known to stimulate our senses for anger, aggression,violence passion, intensity, action and danger.

Blue— sky, sea, calm, corporate, security, success.


Blue is regarded as the corporate color. Success, professionalism, loyalty is associated with the dint of blue. It creates a soothing and a conservative feel.

It is known to lower the blood pressure with its calming effect and generates a feeling of trust and credibility.

Green –Life, nature, growth, environment, freshness, health, youth


Green is the symbol of the divine nature.It is a representation of freshness, environment,vegetarian, and life.

All eco-friendly objects are associated with this color. It is known to be one of the most eye sensitive colors and is considered to give a healing effect.

Beauty centers use herbal products and so use this color to showcase their products.

Green is used frequently to denote youth and is also the Islamic Color.

Yellow–Sunshine, Happiness, warmth, cowardice, optimism, caution, attention-grabber


Attention-grabber is the name to the yellow color. It gives a sunny, warming, happiness, and joyful effect.

Resturants and juice centers generally use this color in their brand identity since it  is assumed to increase appetite. It is a clear representation of caution and coward ness. Yellow often relates to optimism.

Orange — excitement, appetite, friendly, energy, fun, cheer, call to action


Orange is the color of fire . It signifies excitement and zeal. It is often used as “call to action” label. Orange is the carrier of fun, energy, friendliness and cheerfulness.

Play schools use this color in their logo to symbolize the playful and vital nature of children. It is yet another color which is known to enhance appetite.

Black — sophistication, style, luxury, sadness, evil, death.

Black speaks sophistication and luxury. On one hand, it is associated with elegance on the other it is considered as the color of villain and sadness.

It is a mourning color for the western culture.

Black is used by the high-tech brand to reflect their style and sophistication.

It is such a color which blends well and can be used in combination with any other color. The best-known combinations of  black are with white and red.















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